400-bed Public Health System and Teaching Hospital
After two years at the helm, the CEO determined that a major transformation was necessary to revive the older hospital facility. He enlisted Frederick Swanston to create a campaign to highlight this transformation hoping to enlist the backing of the community and politicians to support a bond issue and fund-raising effort.
We approached the TV, radio, print and digital campaign by emphasizing that MetroHealth is about “HERE”—HERE where you live: a true commitment to the health of the local Cleveland community. The commitment has resulted in placing doctors in schools, providing medical care to Foster kids and recruiting unsurpassed expertise in medical care, facts about which the community knew little.
The internal audience (clinical staff and employees) had an overwhelming positive reaction to the campaign- with comments like “makes me proud”, “so glad I work at a place like this” and others. The campaign just launched Sept 2014- traffic to the website and comments have risen, especially during the weeks in which TV is running. We will analyze community perception and awareness changes in January 2015.